Turr Phennir (4)Full unit name: Phennir, Turr
Last updated: 13.02.2024 20:43:01
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron : In the Empire's Service
Species: Human
Relations: 181st Imperial Fighter Wing
181st Imperial Fighter Wing
Galactic Empire Navy
, Imperial Starfighter Corps
Imperial Starfighter Corps
(Imperial Navy)
Galactic Empire Navy
, Saber Squadron
Saber Squadron
(181st Imperial Fighter Wing)
Galactic Empire Navy
Family Relations
Step-brother/Step-sister of: Chaser
Minor Characters
Turr Phennir was a Human male hailing from the planet Valahari who served for years as an ace starfighter pilot
Imperial Starfighter Corps
(Imperial Navy)
Galactic Empire Navy
in the Galactic Empire's 181st Imperial Fighter Group
181st Imperial Fighter Wing
Galactic Empire Navy
. Recruited into the group by Major Soontir Fel
Soontir Fel
Supporting Characters
around 1ABY, Captain Phennir spent the next several years battling forces of the Rebel Alliance, the Empire's opponent in the ongoing Galactic Civil War. By 4ABY, he was a major and the fighter group's executive officer. Phennir and the 181st flew in the Battle of Endor
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
that year, which saw Galactic Emperor Palpatine
Major Characters
die aboard the Empire's second Death Star battlestation
Death Star 2
Space Stations
. The defeat caused the Empire to fracture, but the 181st remained loyal to the throne and was called on to defend
Battle of Brentaal
New Republic Era
the planet Brentaal IV
Brentaal IV
from the New Republic, the Alliance's successor state. Phennir had no faith in the Empire's new leadership and urged Fel to seize the planet as his own warlord holding, but the 181st instead flew into a battle that scheming Imperial Intelligence
Imperial Intelligence
Galactic Empire
Director Ysanne Isard
Ysanne Isard
Major Characters
had already decided they would lose. When the New Republic conquered Brentaal IV and captured Fel, command of the 181st was given to Phennir.
When the crumbling Empire ceased to exist in 11ABY, the Imperial Remnant was formed from the holdings of various warlords, and new Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon recruited Phennir and the 181st to aid him in the Orinda campaign of 12ABY. The fighter group and the Executor-class Star Dreadnought
Super-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
Reaper (SSD)
(Super-class Star Destroyer)
Named Starships
battled New Republic forces in a series of clashes throughout the Mid Rim, ultimately repelling them in the Orinda system and securing the Remnant's borders. One year later, General Phennir and three other pilots of the 181st went on a diplomatic mission to the neutral planet Adumar, whose government also invited representatives from the New Republic. Phennir and his men won the hearts of the locals by frequently engaging them in customary aerial duels to the death, and they pledged themselves to the nation state of Cartann when its leader declared war on the rest of the planet. However, Phennir fled Adumar in his TIE interceptor
TIE Interceptor
Starfighter Models
when the New Republic pilots - flying for the opposing Adumari Union - shot down all three of his fellows. Cartann lost the war, and Adumar joined the New Republic.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Phennir, Turr Last updated: 13.02.2024 20:43:01